Primordial objectives: services, editing, professional representation, research
- Kriza János Ethnographic Society was founded in 1990, and ever since it has been showing a continuous and highly diversified activity
- The Society’s library was moved to its current location in the year 1994, and it holds more than 10.000 volumes including the most relevant Hungarian and Transylvanian ethnographical works. Moreover, the most recent perodicals can be consulted by our readears besides the collections of such renown ethnographers as dr.Kós Károly, dr. Nagy Jenő, Szentimrei Judit or dr. Faragó József
- our archive hosts unpublished materials from the collections mentioned above and from recent projects, maps, data bases, plus materials of the most recent fieldwork, that means thousands of manuscripts, photographs, audio and videotapes, interviews etc.
- due to the continuous growth of archived photographs and negatives, we set up a process of digital remastering of our archive once with its appearance on our website
- our Society gatheres most of the Hungarian ethnographers from Romania, representing their professional interests, therefore organizing annual conferences, special meetings and workshops
- the results of our editorial activity are the following: 30 yearbooks, 52 volumes under the series Kriza Könyvek (Kriza Books), 18 volumes under the series Kriza Könyvtár (Kriza Library) and 19 volumes under the series Dissertationes Ethnographicæ Transylvanicæ, plus the Bulletin of our Society reaching its 16th year of appearance; 10 volumes in Courses in Ethnography series, one volume in Culture – Communication – Community and 46 other books. Our collaboration with Mentor Publishers from Târgu-Mureş proved to be a successful one, thus more of our members launched their works under the series Kriza János Néprajzi Társaság Könyvtára (The Library of Kriza János Ethnographic Society)
- we are coordinating several projects with the help and attendance of many researchers from the country and from abroad, including university students. The objectives of our projects are related to the tendencies of Hungarian ethnography and Hungarian social sciences in general: we are organizing basic ethnographic and anthropologic researches in Transylvania and Moldova, along with specific theme-oriented fieldwork. With these researches we can give a helping hand to the formation of an authentic scientific image over the continuously changing traditional and popular cultures
Background activities, educational policies
- as a background institute, we asume most objectives that are neglected by Babeş–Bolyai University, our library and archive being regullary consulted not only by Hungarian ethnography students but by those from Hungarian literature, linguistics, history and sociology. Also the lectures organized by our Society and held by specialists from our country and abroad are addressed to students of different specialties
- one of the most important aspect of our activity refers to the sustainance of College activities: the invited lecturers usually stay in our guest room and they hold their lectures and seminars at our centre. We are trying to provide some financial backup as well. Some of the activities of the College are related to the similar projects of sociologists and politologists
- Kriza János Ethnographic Society is one of the founding members of the Hungarian University Institute from Cluj-Napoca, an institute with a principle aim in organizing and sustaining the education in Hungarian language at the state universities in Cluj-Napoca
Award winners (Életműdíj)
2012 – Daczó Árpád (P. Lukács OFM)
2013 – Kovács Piroska
2014 – dr. Almási István
2015 – Szentimrei Judit
2016 – Kallós Zoltán
2017 – Albert Ernő
2017 – dr. Barabás László
2017 – Ráduly János
2018 – dr. Gazda Klára
2019 – Halász Péter
2022 – Márton Béla