About the publisher
From the outset, publishing has been a major task for the Society. Depending on the possibilities, 5-10 volumes are published each year. These books ensure the presentation of the latest results of the Hungarian ethnographic research in Romania and the work of the researchers in the field.
The yearbook series [Évkönyv] contains mostly materials of conferences, the Kriza Books [Kriza Könyvek] series displays the ethnographic fieldwork, study and interpretation, the Kriza Library [Kriza Könyvtár] series provides the publication of sources and folklore texts. The volumes of the Courses in Ethnography [Néprajzi Egyetemi Jegyzetek] series, launched in 2006, are used as textbooks in ethnographic education at universities. A new series from 2018, Dissertationes Ethnographicæ Transylvanicæ, features doctoral theses, basic ethnographic and anthropological works. In addition to these, science history and science theory volumes, special volumes and bibliographies are published outside the series. In many cases these are published with other institutions and publishers. The Society had a successful partnership with the late Mentor publishing house, resulting in ethnographic works by the Society's researchers and members in the Library of the Kriza János Ethnographic Society series. Bulletin of the Society [Értesítő] reached 16 appearances so far.
The publications reach all important institutions of ethnography, university departments, research institutes, museums and specialized libraries in Romania and Hungary. These volumes can also be found in national and regional public libraries, libraries of NGOs, smaller ethnographic and social science units. The newly published publications are presented at the Society's headquarters and other partner institutions and on the our Facebook-page. Since 2016, the digital version of the publications are available in the Text Collection (Publisher and Researcher Database). This can be searched by title, author, subject, year of publication, or location, and all texts are available in PDF format. It also serves as a research database for information on researchers who published at the Publisher.
dr. Apjok Vivien ethnographer, university lecturer (University of Szeged, Szeged)
dr. Czégényi Dóra Andrea ethnographer, university lecturer (Babeș–Bolyai University, Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Anthropology, Cluj)
dr. Balogh Balázs ethnographer, director (Institute for Ethnography of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest)
dr. Bartos-Elekes Zsombor university docent (Babeș–Bolyai University, Department of Hungarian Geography, Cluj)
dr. Bottoni, Stefano historian, university docent (University of Firenze, Firenze)
dr. Fügedi János ethnomusicologist, ethnochoreologist (Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest)
dr. Gagyi József ethnographer, university professor (Sapientia University, Department of Applied Social Sciences, Târgu-Mureș)
dr. Gatti Beáta, guest lecturer (University of Szeged, Szeged)
dr. Gazda Klára ethnographer, retired university docent (Babeș–Bolyai University, Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Anthropology, Cluj)
dr. Györgyi Erzsébet ethnographer, retired museologist and vice-secretary, president (Museum of Ethnography, Budapest – Kiss Áron Hungarian Game Association, Budapest)
dr. Hermann Róbert historian, scientific vice-secretary (Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum, Budapest)
Hochbauer Gyula pedagogue, president (Hungarian Cultural Society of Săcele, Săcele)
dr. Horváth Alpár university lecturer (Babeș–Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Gheorgheni Branch, Gheorgheni)
dr. Ilyés Sándor ethnographer, scientific secretary (KJES, Cluj)
dr. Jakab Albert Zsolt ethnographer, president (Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities – KJES, Cluj)
dr. habil. Kemecsi Lajos ethnographer, director general (Museum of Ethnography, Budapest)
dr. Keményfi Róbert ethnographer, university professor, head of department (University of Debrecen, Department of Ethnography, Debrecen)
dr. Keszeg Vilmos ethnographer, university professor (Babeș–Bolyai University, Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Anthropology, Cluj)
dr. Kinda István ethnographer, museologist (Székely National Museum, Sfântu Gheorghe)
dr. Kisbán Eszter ethnographer, professor emeritus (University of Pécs, Pécs)
dr. Kiss Dénes sociologist, university lecturer (Babeș–Bolyai University, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Cluj)
dr. Kotics József ethnographer, university docent, head of department (University of Miskolc, Departament of Cultural and Visual Anthropology, Miskolc)
dr. Lovas Kiss Antal ethnographer, university docent (University of Debrecen, Department of Social Sciences, Hajdúböszörmény)
dr. Mohay Tamás ethnographer, university professor, head of department („Eötvös Loránd” University, Department of Ethnography, Budapest)
Olosz Katalin ethnographer (Târgu-Mureș)
dr. P. Dombi Erzsébet linguist and specialist in literature
dr. Péntek János linguist, university professor, academician (Babeș–Bolyai University, Department of Hungarian and General Linguistics, Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Cluj, Szabó T. Attila Linguistic Institute, Cluj)
dr. Peti Lehel ethnographer, senior research fellow (Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Cluj)
dr. Pócs Éva ethnographer, professor emeritus (University of Pécs, Pécs)
dr. Pozsony Ferenc ethnographer, university professor, academician (Babeș–Bolyai University, Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Anthropology, Cluj)
dr. Richter Pál musicologist, head of department, university docent (Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Liszt Ferenc University, Budapest)
dr. Sárkány Mihály ethnologist, senior researcher (Institute for Ethnography of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest)
dr. Simon András ethnographer, university docent (University of Szeged, Szeged)
dr. Sălăgean, Tudor historian, director (The Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography, Cluj)
dr. Szabó Árpád Töhötöm ethnographer, university docent (Babeș–Bolyai University, Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Anthropology, Cluj)
dr. Szacsvay Éva ethnographer, museologist (Museum of Ethnography, Budapest)
dr. Szijártó Zsolt media researcher, university professor (University of Pécs, Institute of Social and Media Sciences, Pécs)
dr. Szikszai Mária ethnographer, university lecturer (Babeș–Bolyai University, Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Anthropology, Cluj)
dr. Szilágyi Miklós ethnographer, researcher (Institute for Ethnography of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest)
dr. Szőcs Levente ethnographer, museologist (Tarisznyás Márton Museum, Gheorgheni)
dr. Sztáncsuj Sándor József archaeologist, museologist (Székely National Museum, Sfântu Gheorghe)
dr. habil. Tánczos Vilmos ethnographer, university professor (Babeș–Bolyai University, Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Anthropology, Cluj)
dr. Tóth-Bartos András historian, museologist (Székely National Museum, Sfântu Gheorghe)
dr. Tóth Zsombor literary historian, scientific secretary (Institute for Literary Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest)
dr. Tötszegi Tekla ethnographer, deputy director (The Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography, Cluj)
dr. Vajda András ethnographer, university docent (Sapientia University, Department of Applied Social Sciences, Târgu-Mureș)
dr. Verebélyi Kincső ethnographer, university professor (Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Ethnography, Budapest)
Manuscript proposals, evaluation and peer review procedure
The publisher of the ”Kriza János” Ethnographic Society has undertaken the mission of publishing and promoting specialized books in the field of ethnography, anthropology and social sciences, contributing to the development of ethnographic and anthropological research in Romania and Central Europe.
The publishing house addresses both a specialized audience but also a wider audience, interested in these fields and their specific topics. The provenance of the manuscripts is diverse, they include doctoral dissertations held in doctoral schools of history and cultural studies (ethnography, cultural anthropology) of national and foreign universities (Babeș-Bolyai University, Eötvös Loránd University, Debrecen University), lectures and papers at national and international conferences, ethnographic and field research materials, folklore research texts, studies resulting in joint research projects with national and international institutions.
The publishier also publishes the works of scientific researchers from the ”Kriza János” Ethnographic Society (KJES), which often represents the results of research projects carried out individually or collectively. With the same interest are published the works of other external researchers from the country and abroad.
Calls for papers are published on our website, on our Facebook page and on specialized networks. The publisher periodically launches calls for thematic works, public calls on specialized networks. The publication of valuable works has contributed to increasing the visibility of the publishing house, being considered a landmark in its field of activity, thus receiving manuscript proposals for publication from internationally recognized specialists and outside the calls for specialized works.
Last but not least, manuscript proposals are attracted through collaborations with other publishing houses, partnerships and scientific research projects with similar universities and research institutes, in which KJES researchers are involved.
The manuscripts submitted by the authors to the KJES' publishing house are evaluated by the publishers and collection coordinators to see if they correspond to the publisher's guidelines, and if they meet the standards of editorial quality and scientific writing.
After this verification, the manuscripts for which the peer review process starts are sent to the publishing house's reviewers for evaluation. The reviewers are chosen from the editorial board or from among the collaborators of the publishing house, with expertise in the field approached by the paper.
Each reviewer independently analyzes the text proposed for publication. The evaluation is made by the reviewers according to the following criteria for evaluating the scientific quality: 1. the quality of the information, with reference to the conceptual correctness of the paper; 2. the original contribution of the paper and the degree of novelty; 3. clarity of the scientific objectives of the paper; 4. the quality of the methodology, where it exists or is necessary; 5. the credibility of the results and their clarity in the research work; 6. the quality of the bibliography and the existence of references for any publication or volume of a scientific nature; 7. originality, depth, scientific contribution; 8. quality of writing and expression; 9. other criteria considered by the reviewer.
The scientific evaluation is completed in at least one of the following ways: 1. acceptance, 2. acceptance with modifications, 3. resubmission for evaluation after rewriting or 4. rejection. If one reviewer rejects the manuscript, but another accepts it, the manuscript is evaluated by a third reviewer or by the editor responsible for the peer-review process, who will have the right to veto and make the final decision. If the manuscript is accepted with modifications, modifications will be requested from the author. The reviewers communicate to the publisher the decision and, as the case may be, their observations and requirements, which must be met as conditions for publication. The responsible editor shall send the reviewer decisions to the author. If the reviewers have agreed to be accepted for publication, but recommend changes to the text, it is sent back to the author to effectuate the requested changes. After the requested changes are made, the text or abstract and the significant fragments are returned to the same reviewers, to convey their final decision.
Reviewers treat the contents of the manuscript confidential. Those who have access to the content of the material have the obligation to maintain confidentiality and not to use it improperly. The review process ensures that all authors have an equal chance of publishing their manuscript. Acceptance and scheduling for the publication of papers is not hindered by later added criteria or additional procedures that were not originally included in the review process.
After completing these steps, a decision is made regarding the publication, and the authors are notified by e-mail and / or telephone. The entire peer-review process is coordinated by a responsible editor who ensures the anonymity of authors and readers.
Distribution of our books
The books edited by the Kriza János Ethnographic Society can be purchased at our headquarters or in the Idea Könyvtér bookshop (Bul. 21. Decembrie nr. 14.). In Hungary they can be ordered online at Xantusz Könyv and the Bookline network.