Departure and Arrival: Migratory Processes and Local Responses from Ethnographic and Anthropological Perspective


Helyszín: KJNT előadóterme, Croitorilor (Mikes) u. 15. sz.
Szervező: Kriza János Néprajzi Társaság – Magyar Néprajzi Társaság – Néprajzi Múzeum



10th May
Kriza János Ethnographic Society’s building - 400162 Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca), Mikes (Croitorilor) u. 15.

8.30–9.00 Registration

9.00–9.10 Lajos Kemecsi (Hungarian Ethnographic Society, Museum of Ethnography)
9.10–9.20 Albert Zsolt Jakab (János Kriza Ethnographic Society)


Keynote speech of the day
9.20–10.15 Helena Ruotsala
Mobility over the Border. Different departures and arrivals in Tornio River Valley between 1945 and 2017
10.15–10.30 Discussion

10.30–10.45 Coffee break


Historical perspectives and examples

Chairman: Albert Zsolt Jakab 
10.45–11.05 Emese-Gyöngyvér Veres: Memories and changes in the life of the Csangós near Brasov after immigrations and refugees in the 19-20th Century
11.05–11.25 Attila Dimény: Migration and social Mobility in Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc) at the turn of the 19-20th centuries
11.45–12.05 Krisztina Csibi: Bokuvina Székely Years in Bácska Reflected in Period Sources
12.05–12.25 Ákos Nagy: The Romanian Collectivization and the Rural Migration Process
12.25–12.45 Discussion

12.45–14.45 Lunch time


Through the ages

Chairwoman: Edina Földessy
14.45–15.05 Art Leete: Alcohol Trade in the Western Siberia
15.05–15.25 Madis Rennu: Movement of the Estonian Artisans and Their Products
15.25–15.45 Erika Vass: Migration processes in County Hunyad

15.45–16.00 Discussion

16.05–16.25 Coffee break


Contemporary migrations – departures

Chairman: Lehel Peti
16.25–16.45 András Vajda: The impact of migration on communication in rural spaces
16.45–17.05 Árpád Töhötöm Szabó: Work, property relations and patterns of Romani migration. A case from Transylvania 
17.05–17.25 Lilla Szabó: Community, memory, returning
17.25–17.45 Discussion


11th May
Kriza János Ethnographic Society’s building - 400162 Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca), Mikes (Croitorilor) u. 15.


Keynote speech of the day
9.00–9.45 Balázs Balogh: Departure and Arrival: Immigration Waves from Hungary to the USA
9.45–10.00 Discussion


Migration and identity

Chairman: Art Leete

10.00–10.25 Albert Zsolt Jakab – Lehel Peti: Migration and ethnicity at the Romanian Czechs
10.25–10.45 Lehel Peti: Migration and the reshaped Csángó identity
10.45–11.05 Keiu Telve: Cross-Border Commuting Trough Networks: Case Study of Estonian Male Commuters in Finland
11.05–11.200 Discussion

11.20–11.45 Coffee break


Special views: mobility – following the work and taking animals
Chairwoman: Tímea Bata

11.45–12.05 Marja-Liisa Räisänen: Communities, moving, breaking down community in a closing down work place
12.05 –12.25 Jussi Lehtonen: Animals, migration and wellbeing. Some viewpoints of the future
12.25–12.40 Discussion


12.40–14.45 Lunch time


Special approaches: biology, pedagogy and museum
Chairwoman: Helena Ruotsala

14.45–15.05 Pekka Leimu: Modified History and Genetics for Visitors. Turku and Russian tourists
15.05–15.25 Maija Mäki: Pedagogical aspects of the local cultural heritage practices among immigrants in Turku, Finland
15.25–15.45 Edina Földessy: Migrants’ life with and through their objects

15.45–16.00 Coffee break

16.45–17.15 Discussion and closing of the official programme of the symposium

17.25–18.00 Talking about the future (organizers and represent of the countries)


Organised by:
Hungarian Ethnographic Society (Budapest, HU)
Museum of Ethnography (Budapest, HU)
Kriza János Ethnographic Society (Cluj-Napoca, RO)