[The Arieş Region. Local History] Aranyos-vidék. Honismereti könyv

Keszeg Vilmos

[The Arieş Region. Local History] Aranyos-vidék. Honismereti könyv

2014 Kriza János Néprajzi Társaság – Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület

The present volume offers a general presentation of the Arieș Region, based on literature. It deals with the following topics: 1. Presentation of the Arieș Region (geographic position, history, settlements, natural environment, its appearance and presence in the specialized literature); 2. Everyday life of the region (public health, heating, lighting, water supply, transportation and traffic, means of communication, economy: agriculture, industry and home industry, crafts, commerce, economic societies and institutions, social life); 3. Education, religious life (confessions, churches, the Diet of 1568), cultural life (cultural societies, theatre, musical life, cinema, museums, sports, tourist locations and itineraries, cultural, natural and gastronomical patrimony, the history of the local press, scholars and artists of the region); 4. Folk traditions (regional dialect, folk costume, architecture, interiors, calendar customs and rites of passage, folk ballads, folk narratives, riddles and proverbs).

The volume is dedicated to the younger generations of the region, inspiring them to discover the past, the cultural and natural patrimony of their homeland. Besides the information compiled into chapters, there is a huge number of recommended research topics, urging the reader to discover on his/her own or within a group the surrounding environment and the local traditions. The 259 annexed illustrations help the reader to confront his/her local environment. Furthermore, this volume gives a helping hand for those who have no direct contact with this region.”